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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Years 4 & 6 Carol Service


December 2018



Dear Parents/Carers


We have arranged for the children in Years 4 and 6 to attend a carol service led by Reverend Pete Stevenson at St Albans Church in Warners End on Tuesday 18 December. The service will begin at 2pm and will last approximately 40 minutes. The children will be singing carols and reciting some readings.


Parents, carers and families are very welcome to come along and attend the service. If you wish to join us, please be at the church by 1.55pm.

We do need adults to walk with the children to the church. For safety reasons, we require adults who are not bringing younger children or children in push chairs to walk with the class to the church.

If you are able to walk with the class, please indicate below and be at the school office by 1.15pm. We will also require these adults to walk back to school with the children.


Please return the below slip to the class teacher.



Many Thanks


Mrs Birtchnell




Years 4 and 6 Carol Service – 18 December 2018



Child’s Name ……………………………………………………………… Class ………………………………


Please tick below your preferred option:


  • I can attend the carol service and will walk with the children to and from the church. I will arrive at school at 1.15pm.


  • I can attend the carol service but I am unable to walk with the children to the church


  • I cannot attend the carol service



Signature…………………….........................…………………………………………………………… (Parent/Carer)





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