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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Yr6 Walk to Gadebridge Park

Dear Parents/Carers


We are planning to take the Year 6 children to Gadebridge Park on Monday 21st September. We will be conducting some fieldwork by the River Gade as part of our Geography focus on rivers and the water cycle.  Each class will go on the same day but the bubbles will remain separate throughout the trip and will not mix.  Equipment will be wiped regularly to prevent cross-contamination.


The children should come to school in old clothing that is OK to get wet and muddy, with trousers that can be rolled above the knee. They must bring a warm coat/jacket if the weather is looking cold and bring in their wellies in a bag. We do expect that the children’s feet will get wet, despite wearing wellies, so please send a small old towel for drying off and a spare pair of dry socks.


They will change into their uniform when they return to school.  Please make sure they have a carrier bag for any wet clothes/wellies.


We are aiming to be back at school by 12:30 so they will not need a packed lunch – they can have their usual dinner options at school.  If possible, please pack a healthy snack (fruit, vegetables, bread-sticks) that they can have during the morning.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Spooner           Miss Duggan

Year 6

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