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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPECT'

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Recent letters shared with parents and carers.

  • NSPCC Letter

    Wed 27 Feb 2019


    Dear Parents/Carers


    The NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme is visiting our school to make sure our pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse.

    I’m pleased to tell you that we will be working with the NSPCC, the UK’s leading children’s charity, who’ll be delivering their Speak out. Stay safe. programme on Tuesday 26th March. This is a nationwide programme for every primary-school-aged child in the UK and Channel Islands. With the help of their friendly mascot Buddy, they’ll be presenting an assembly to the children in our school as well as a workshop for Years 5 and 6.

    "NSPCC has helped me to build the confidence to tell people about my worries and problems." Child’s feedback


    What is the Speak out. Stay safe. programme?

    Through child-friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops their specially trained staff and volunteers will give our children information about how to keep themselves safe from harm and how to get help if they have any worries, sensitively discussing issues like bullying and sexual abuse, without using scary words or adult language.

    We have studied the content of the materials and heard from other schools who have participated and are extremely confident that they are appropriate for primary-school-aged children. By the end of their visit, we’re convinced children will feel empowered – knowing how they can speak out and stay safe.

    “My daughter thought the volunteers were fantastic, really real people, very warm and friendly.” Sally, Prestatyn

    If you would like any more information about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme you can come in to speak to a member of the SENCO team or visit the NSPCC website

    Talking PANTS with your children

    The NSPCC’s work in schools will help encourage conversations about staying safe – and they have a number of child-friendly materials to help you carry on the conversation afterwards. That includes ‘Talk PANTS’, a simple way for parents to help keep children safe from sexual abuse – without using scary words or even mentioning sex.

    The guide uses the rules of PANTS to teach children that their body belongs to them and them alone. You can find out more and download the free resources at

    If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website



    Yours sincerely,


    Miss Elsey

    Deputy Head Teacher



  • Jewellery Letter

    Wed 27 Feb 2019


    1 March 2019


    Dear Parents and Carers,

    As you will be aware from our website and prospectus, we follow the Hertfordshire guidance on the wearing of jewellery. For health and safety reasons no jewellery should be worn in school, if your child has pierced ears, one pair of small plain stud earrings will be allowed.


    Following advice and recommended best health and safety practice children should not wear earrings or jewellery in P.E. lessons this does include ‘Fitbit or step trackers’. Children should remove their own earrings and store them safely or parents should remove them at the start of the school day. Staff cannot remove earrings for children.


    Alternatively, surgical tape could be used to cover any earrings during PE, this must be supplied by parent/carer on the day of your child’s PE lesson unless your child is capable of doing this themselves. This tape does need to be provided for your child.


    If your child is wearing religious jewellery that cannot be removed. Staff will try to ensure safe participation in PE lessons can occur for example ensuring a necklace is tucked in their t-shirt. However, best practise and health and safety advice from ‘Association of Physical Education: Safe Practise in P.E: School Sport and Physical Activity’ does state children should not wear jewellery in P.E. (Except studs when taped). Therefore, if your child can not remove their religious/cultural jewellery please return the slip below by hand or email, and a further letter will be sent regarding responsibility for your child wearing this jewellery.


    Yours sincerely,

    Miss Penning

    PE Subject Leader

    Religious/Cultural Jewellery


    My child _________________ in class ______________________ cannot remove their jewellery for Physical Education lessons due to religious or cultural beliefs. Please send me further information regarding responsibility for my child wearing jewellery in Physical Education lessons.



  • Year 4 British Museum Trip

    Fri 08 Feb 2019


    13 December 2018


    Dear Parents/Carers


    We have arranged to take the Year 4 children on a trip to The British Museum, London. This will take place on Friday 8 February 2019.

    In class we will be learning about The Ancient Greeks and their myths.


    All children must be dressed in school uniform.

    The coach will be leaving the school at 9.15am and aims to return at approx. 3.00pm. We will keep you fully informed regarding the return journey.


    The children will need a packed lunch on the day. However, they can bring their lunches in a rucksack as this will be easier to carry around all day.


    Those children who receive Free School Meals, can pre-order one via the School Gateway app.


    The cost of this trip will be £8.00 per child, which will cover the cost of the coach. This can be paid online via the School Gateway payment system along with giving parental consent. Once you have paid online, you do not need to return a paper permissions slip. If you require assistance downloading the app, please pop into the office.

    Cash or cheque will also be accepted. Please can any cheques be made payable to Galley Hill Primary School.

    Please can parental consent and payment be made by Friday 1 February 2019.


    Unfortunately, if insufficient funds are received, the trip will have to be cancelled. If you have any queries or difficulties paying this, please call the office.


    We may require some parent helpers for the trip. They will be asked to lead a small group of around 6 children and help them to complete their workbook. If you feel you are willing and able to do this, please let the class teachers know.


    Yours sincerely


    Miss Featherstone         Mr Kain

    Year 4



    **If you have not already activated your School Gateway account. It’s quick and easy to do. All you need is your email address and mobile number that school holds on record for you.

    Download the app: If you have a smartphone, please download School Gateway from your app store (Android and iPhone).


    Visit the website: and click on ‘New User’. You’ll receive a text message with a PIN number. Then use this PIN number and your email address to log into School Gateway.



  • Year 5 Science Museum Trip

    Fri 08 Feb 2019


    13 December 2018


    Dear Parents/Carers


    We have arranged to take the Year 5 children on a trip to The Science Museum, London. This will take place on Friday 8 February 2019.

    In class we will be learning about the properties of materials. We also want to encourage a love of science and awe ensuring that our science lessons are engaging and children come back with lots of questions they want asking.


    All children must be dressed in school uniform.

    The coach will be leaving the school at 9.15am and aims to return at approx. 3.00pm. We will keep you fully informed regarding the return journey.


    The children will need a packed lunch on the day. However, they can bring their lunches in a rucksack as this will be easier to carry around all day.


    Those children who receive Free School Meals, can pre-order one via the School Gateway app.


    The cost of this trip will be £8.50 per child, which will cover the cost of the coach. This can be paid online via the School Gateway payment system along with giving parental consent. Once you have paid online, you do not need to return a paper permissions slip. If you require assistance downloading the app, please pop into the office.

    Cash or cheque will also be accepted. Please can any cheques be made payable to Galley Hill Primary School.

    Please can parental consent and payment be made by Friday 1 February 2019.


    Unfortunately, if insufficient funds are received, the trip will have to be cancelled. If you have any queries or difficulties paying this, please call the office.


    We may require some parent helpers for the trip. They will be asked to lead a small group of around 6 children and help them to complete their workbook. If you feel you are willing and able to do this, please let the class teachers know.


    Yours sincerely


    Miss Duggan Mrs Cole Mrs Larner

    Year 5



    **If you have not already activated your School Gateway account. It’s quick and easy to do. All you need is your email address and mobile number that school holds on record for you.

    Download the app: If you have a smartphone, please download School Gateway from your app store (Android and iPhone).


    Visit the website: and click on ‘New User’. You’ll receive a text message with a PIN number. Then use this PIN number and your email address to log into School Gateway.


  • Year 5 Local Walk

    Fri 01 Feb 2019


    10 January 2019


    Dear Parents


    On Friday 1 February we will be taking the children on a guided walk around the local area including the Old Town High Street, Marlowes and Gadebridge Park as part of our topic on Hemel Hempstead. The children will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am and will return before the end of the school day.

    As the weather is often unpredictable (weather forecast pending!), please ensure that you send your child into school with appropriate clothing e.g. a waterproof/warm coat and suitable shoes for walking.


    The children will need a packed lunch on the day. It would be advisable that they bring their lunches in a rucksack as this will be easier to carry around all day.


    Those children in receipt of Free School Meals can pre-order a packed lunch via the School Gateway app.


    This trip is free of charge. Please can you give parental consent via the School Gateway online system.

    Once you have given consent, you do not need to return a paper permission slip. If you require assistance downloading the app, please see below or pop into the office.

    Please can parental consent be made by Wednesday 30 January February 2019.


    If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher.


    Thank you




    Miss Duggan   Mrs Cole Mrs    Larner

    Year 5



    ** If you have not already activated your School Gateway account. It’s quick and easy to do. All you need is your email address and mobile number that school holds on record for you.

    Download the app: If you have a smartphone, please download School Gateway from your app store (Android and iPhone).


    Visit the website: and click on ‘New User’. You’ll receive a text message with a PIN number. Then use this PIN number and your email address to log into School Gateway.**





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